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Celebrate Recovery: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Program for Overcoming Life’s Struggles.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program designed to help individuals overcome a variety of life’s struggles, including addiction, codependency, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Founded in 1991 by Pastor John Baker, an elder at Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, Celebrate Recovery began after Baker joined an Alcoholics Anonymous group and was baptized by Pastor Rick Warren, the then church's senior pastor and its founder. Today, Celebrate Recovery is offered in over 35,000 churches worldwide, as well as in rescue missions, recovery houses, prisons, and universities. Participants find God’s healing power through the Eight Recovery Principles found in the Beatitudes and the Christ-centered Twelve Steps.

Celebrate recovery Logo

How Celebrate Recovery Works

Celebrate Recovery follows a proven, structured format based on the principles of the 12 steps, which originated from Alcoholics Anonymous. However, the program offers a distinct Christian focus by incorporating biblical teachings and principles from the life of Jesus Christ. The 12 steps in Celebrate Recovery mirror traditional recovery steps but are infused with Christian scriptures to help individuals address the spiritual, emotional, and psychological roots of their struggles.

Christian cross

About the Celebrate Recovery Program

The program is divided into several key components:

  • Large Group Worship and Teaching: Celebrate Recovery begins with a large group meeting where participants gather for worship, prayer, a message, and, at times, a testimonial. The teaching portion typically focuses on one of the 12 steps or biblical principles, offering spiritual guidance and practical tools for overcoming life’s challenges.

  • Small Group Sharing: Participants break into smaller, gender-specific groups for sharing and fellowship after the large group session. In these confidential groups, participants can openly share their struggles, victories, and insights with others who understand their journey. This time of sharing is crucial for building trust and fostering a sense of community.

  • Sponsor and Accountability Partners: Celebrate Recovery emphasizes personal relationships and accountability. Participants are encouraged to find a sponsor—someone who has already worked through the program and can provide guidance, support, and encouragement.

  • Step Studies and Discipleship: Celebrate Recovery also offers in-depth step study groups that allow participants to work through the 12 steps in a more focused, introspective way. These groups involve personal reflection, a workbook, and discussions that address their hurts, hang-ups, and habits.

woman with a Bible

What Sponsors Do in Celebrate Recovery

Sponsors in Celebrate Recovery play a vital role in supporting individuals through their recovery journey. They provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability, helping participants grow spiritually and work through the 12-step program. Here’s a breakdown of what sponsors do:

  • Help Navigate Celebrate Recovery: Sponsors assist newcomers in understanding the structure of Celebrate Recovery. They help participants become familiar with the program, its components, and how to actively engage in meetings and step studies.

  • Answer Questions: Sponsors are available to their sponsee to answer questions about the program and share insights.

  • Work on the 12 Steps: Sponsors guide their sponsees through the 12-step process, helping them reflect on each step, apply biblical principles, and make meaningful progress.

  • Offer Accountability: Sponsors help hold individuals accountable for their progress, ensuring that participants stay committed to their recovery goals.

  • Act as Confidants: Sponsors provide a safe, confidential space for participants to share personal struggles, victories, and challenges.

A Christ-Centered Approach to Healing and Transformation

What sets Celebrate Recovery apart from traditional 12-step programs is its Christ-centered approach. Unlike the “Higher Power” referred to in traditional 12-step programs, Celebrate Recovery teaches that the source of healing and transformation is found only through Jesus Christ. It is through a personal relationship with Him that lasting change takes place.

Celebrate Recovery encourages participants to heal with the guidance of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Individuals find freedom from guilt, shame, and self-destructive patterns through prayer, fellowship, worship, and reliance on Christ. For many, the program becomes a way to manage their hurts, hang-ups, and habits and a powerful path to spiritual renewal and a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What Types of Struggles Can Celebrate Recovery Help With?

Celebrate Recovery is not limited to addiction recovery; it is open to anyone who struggles with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. These may include:

  • Addictions: Alcohol, drugs, gambling, food, pornography, and other compulsive behaviors.

  • Codependency: Struggling with unhealthy relationships and the inability to set boundaries.

  • Depression and Anxiety: Emotional struggles that impact daily functioning and mental health.

  • Anger Issues: Overcoming uncontrolled anger or resentment that harms relationships.

  • Grief and Loss: Healing from the pain of losing a loved one or experiencing trauma.

  • Sexual Abuse or Trauma: Recovery from past abuse or other painful life experiences.

  • Divorce and Broken Relationships: Healing from the effects of divorce, separation, or relational dysfunction.

No matter the issue, Celebrate Recovery provides a compassionate and supportive space for people looking to find healing and transformation through Christ.


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