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Addiction Intervnetion Laguna Beach

An intervention can be a very effective way to help a loved one struggling with addiction get the help they need. There are various models of addiction intervention, ranging from impromptu to planned and from one-on-one to family-focused. The approach can be either surprise or invitational, depending on the situation. Your interventionist will carefully prepare the dynamics of the intervention, tailored to their knowledge of your case.


Often, a loved one struggling with addiction is in denial that they have a problem and refuse to acknowledge the negative impact their addiction is having on themselves and their family and friends. An intervention can help them realize the severity of their situation and provide them with a suitable solution to get the help they need.

The Importance of Seeking help

Speaking to someone you love about the severity of their addiction requires a strategic approach -  seeking an intervention could potentially save their life.

We know the path to get here has been challenging.

We're here for you.

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If you're  reading this

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you may be in a difficult situation and need help.  Contact us in confidence.

Thank you

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